Sunday, September 11, 2011

What do you use to clean?

It is probably obviously from my previous post the convention cleaning products are not healthy. They not only smell horrible and put toxic fumes into your lungs, the ones that have actually been tested have been shown to cause cancer in animals and people. Wonder why the cancer rates continue to raise look no further then your cleaning products. Unfortunately cleaning products are big business and vinegar is not so which do you think you will see more ads for? EWG the wonderful group who puts together the Skin Deep website is working on another just for cleaners. I am very excited about it because although I use very few, actually only 3, store bought cleaning products I can not wait to see their results and have a trusted website for friends and family to search for safe cleaning products.

With a quick internet search you can find hundreds of homemade recipes for cleaning. I have tried a lot of them and over the years I have settled on what I think is the simplest and cheapest cleaning recipes. In my next post I will give you the specifics on our homemade recipes and how we clean the different surfaces in our home.

Today I can not imagine using any other cleaners. I am so thankful that I do not have to worry about my kids getting in to the cleaning supplies. I never have a fear that they will be poisoned by something I am using and I know my house is clean, healthy, and safe.

Just for those still unsure vinegar kills bacteria, mold, and germs just as well as most any store bought household cleaner. Still worried that the germs are not gone wipe the surface with hydrogen peroxide, you probably already use it to kill the germs in an open wound and you know it works, why not use it on your cutting board as well, it will kill any germs you are worried about. Tea Tree Oil is also a disinfectant but please be careful with essential oils they are wonderful but are highly concentrated. Be sure to dilute them properly and even though they are natural they do need to be used with caution. A good site with information on essential oil safety can be found here
Some helpful links on cleaning naturally

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